Pitfire Pizza Dubai Hills is more than a new pizza joint; it’s a linchpin of Dubai’s community.
I just want to say that I thoroughly enjoy your writing! Also, I’m now hungry and I blame you.
I accept this well-placed blame 😆
“You can’t have tops without bottoms” - brilliant 😂
I wrote that paragraph with one eye closed asking “can I get away with this?”
Card carrying member of this (delicious) religion for at least 6 years!
I was with you during that meet with Michele too. You may have been the orchestrator!
Early BonBon days and many garlic knots ago!
I just want to say that I thoroughly enjoy your writing! Also, I’m now hungry and I blame you.
I accept this well-placed blame 😆
“You can’t have tops without bottoms” - brilliant 😂
I wrote that paragraph with one eye closed asking “can I get away with this?”
Card carrying member of this (delicious) religion for at least 6 years!
I was with you during that meet with Michele too. You may have been the orchestrator!
Early BonBon days and many garlic knots ago!